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Residency Requirement

Up to two of the last eight units of degree credit may be taken at another approved institution, but no more than one of the final four units may be taken at another institution. Students participating in study abroad receive a waiver. All courses taken at another institution must be approved in advance by the Registrar. Approval will not be granted for courses previously failed at Roanoke College. Credit will be granted for work in which a grade of “C-” or higher has been earned. Transfer grades will neither appear on the Roanoke College transcript nor be used in calculation of the cumulative or major grade point average. Special permission for others to waive this rule may be granted upon successful appeal to the Panel on Admissions, Readmissions, and Appeals.

Limitation Regulations

Rapid changes in the content and methodologies of academic disciplines make it necessary to require that one’s program of study not be outdated by long delays in qualifying for the degree. Consequently, the College imposes certain conditions on those who fail to complete their programs within a stipulated time.

Students seeking their first bachelor’s degree are subject to the degree requirements and the academic regulations governing classification and scholarship as described in the Catalog current at the time of their first enrollment at Roanoke, provided that they qualify for a degree within 10 calendar years of the date of first enrollment. For transfer students, the period will be dated from the earliest enrollment at an accredited institution from which transfer credit is recorded.

Students who do not qualify for the degree within the 10-year period must meet the degree requirements and be subject to academic regulations governing classification and scholarship which apply for the next year in which the student re-enrolls. Applicable requirements and regulations shall be based thereafter on those prevailing at five-year intervals.

At any time after the conclusion of the tenth year following initial enrollment, the faculty of the department of major study may review the currency of the student’s program and may, with the concurrence of the Registrar, require the student to repeat certain courses or otherwise make up deficiencies.

After Graduation

Upon completion of the College career, one becomes a member of the Roanoke College Alumni Association, a non-dues paying organization of Roanoke College alumni now numbering over 21,000. The Alumni Association is governed by an Executive Council which represents the geographic areas and interests of alumni (including Honor Guard, Hall of Fame, Roanoke Fund, Maroon Club and area chapters). The Alumni Executive Council President serves as an ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees and works with the Parents Council to coordinate activities and programs to promote the College.

All alumni are given the opportunity to receive the Roanoke College Magazine, may attend the Spring Alumni Weekend held on campus annually, and are invited to participate in area chapter events and activities. Alumni chapters focus on involvement of area alumni, parents, and friends in the promotion of the College through social events, admissions efforts, career networking, and development and are active in Atlanta, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Hampton Roads, New England, New York, Philadelphia, Richmond, and the Roanoke Valley. Other events throughout the year are also held in California, Chicago, and Florida.

Majors and Additional Bachelor’s Degrees

The College recognizes that some individuals have a need for a broader based education than that which can be obtained through the traditional single-major, single-degree program. This circumstance is particularly true for those who wish to have highly flexible career opportunities at the time of graduation and for graduates who may wish to pursue new career directions which require additional education.

To accommodate these needs, the College offers two opportunities: (1) a single degree with more than one major, which is open only to those who are pursuing or who have earned a degree from Roanoke College, and (2) additional bachelor’s degrees, which are available to graduates of Roanoke or any other regionally accredited college or university.

Additional Majors

While working toward a degree within one major program, students may also complete the program of additional majors and have the achievement recorded on their permanent record and official transcripts, provided that the following conditions are met:

• All requirements for each major must be completed.

• If the majors are in different degree areas (BA, BS, B.B.A.), the student must, at the time of declaring degree candidacy, select the degree to be awarded. (More than one degrees will not be awarded.)

• A graduate of the College may subsequently earn additional majors under the conditions described above. The requirements of the additional majors shall be those set forth in the catalog for the session in which re-enrollment occurs. Transfer credit earned elsewhere after graduation may not be used to satisfy these requirements.

Additional Bachelor’s Degrees

Holders of a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university may earn an additional bachelor’s degree by fulfilling the conditions outlined below. Note that the additional degree may be in the same degree area (BA, BS, B.B.A.) as a degree the student has already earned.

Roanoke College graduates must meet the major requirements in effect at the time of re-enrollment. Those graduates who completed General Education or Centers of Distinction requirements as part of their first degree will not be required to complete the Intellectual Inquiry requirements. A minimum of eight units must be earned at Roanoke beyond those earned for the most recent degree. Units earned while working toward any prior degrees will not be counted as fulfilling the eight needed for the additional degree. Courses offered for prior degrees may be used to satisfy core and major requirements, provided that they were taken at the College or taken elsewhere prior to first enrollment at the College. Credit earned elsewhere after graduation will not be accepted for transfer credit toward the additional degree. If additional majors have been earned as part of any prior degree program, an additional degree will not be awarded for majors in those fields.

Graduates of other accredited institutions will be admitted as transfer students and must fulfill the core and major requirements for the degree program as set forth in the Catalog for the session in which enrollment first occurs. Transferable credit and credit earned at Roanoke must total at least 33 1/2 (or the equivalent). A minimum of 17 of these units (excluding physical education) must be earned at Roanoke after completion of the original degree. Transferable courses taken in the prior degree programs may be used to meet core requirements. No more than one-half of the minimum units required for the major may be satisfied by transfer credit.

If, in the judgment of the faculty in the major area, the earlier work of a student does not adequately cover more recent advances or needs in the field, the student may be required to repeat certain courses or otherwise make up the deficiency.

Such requirements should be established at an early date and must have the approval of the chairperson in the major field and the Office of the Registrar.

Academic requirements: All holders of a bachelor’s degree will be subject to the academic requirements and regulations for seniors. Such students will not, however, be eligible for any scholastic awards or recognition except the Dean’s List, President’s List and honor societies. To qualify for a degree, a student must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 for all course work attempted at Roanoke College used to meet the requirements of the additional degree. A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 must also be attained in all major used to meet major requirements taken at Roanoke. When multiple courses could be used to meet the requirement, the course with the highest grade will be used.

Additional degree candidates may not enroll in an elective course on a pass/fail basis but may enroll in internships, which are automatically graded on that basis.

Baccalaureate Degree Requirements When Transferring Early Into a Graduate Program

Roanoke College plays a major role in the undergraduate education of some students who choose to leave before graduating in order to enter a post-graduate program. Roanoke is proud of these students and will award the appropriate baccalaureate degree (B.A., B.S., or B.B.A.) to students who have satisfied or will satisfy the following guidelines:

1. The student must have been awarded an advanced degree by the transfer institution. Examples would include Ph.D., M.S., and J.D.

2. The student must not have been awarded a baccalaureate degree.

3. The student must have completed at least 17 academic units at Roanoke College, (excluding physical education) with at least a 2.0 overall grade point average and a 2.0 GPA in the major.

4. The student must have satisfied the core requirements of Roanoke College in place at the time of transferring. All substitutions or exemptions must be approved by the Academic Standards Committee.

5. The student must have completed the requirements for the major. Not more than four graduate course units may apply toward the major.

6. The student may apply not more than eight units of the graduate program toward the 33 1/2 units required by Roanoke College.

7. The department chair of the student’s major and the Registrar will determine which graduate courses will be included in the student’s record. In case of disagreements the Academic Standards Committee will make the final determination.

8. Upon approval by the faculty, the student will be awarded the appropriate baccalaureate degree at the next commencement.


Any student, former student, or graduate of the College may electronically request, through the National Student Clearinghouse. a copy of their official academic transcript, provided all College bills have been paid. A fee is required for each requested transcript. Official transcripts, carrying the seal of the College, are sent to third parties, as directed by the student, in electronic or paper format. In most cases, transcripts will be issued within one week of receipt of the request.

Unofficial transcripts may be issued as well. Current students may access their unofficial transcript through Student Planning in their Colleague Self-Service account.